Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quail...Who knew???

We have hatched our first clutch of Coturnix Quail & Button Quail! They are the cutest thing!!! Said to be the size of a bumble bee when newly hatched, the button quail is the smallest of all quail. They only need incubation for 16 days!! (give or take) Some of ours took up to 18 days to hatch; most likely do to moving them half way through to an automatic turner. If you ever decide to incubate your own eggs, spend the extra $$ and buy a turner! Then, it's pretty much "set it and forget it"!!!

We are keeping our tiny babies in a clear plastic tub, and a heat lamp. Their care is very similar to chicks, except the can drown in a tiny amout of water. Water containers need marbles to help prevent accidental drowning. We also had to grind the turkey starter in the coffee grinder to an almost powder like consistancy. They have TINY beaks!

You may ask yourself what would you do with quail when the cuteness wears off? They are great in an aviary, since they are ground dwellers, they will eat any spilled feed. They reproduce quickly, and the eggs can be sold to incubate, or to crafters. The birds can be sold for breeding, as well as for eating! Hunters can turn them out on land, to reproduce and restock for hunting. I've been told quail is very tasty eating!

Right now, we are thoroughly enjoying watching them interact with eachother, as well as us. They are fairly tame, and readily run up and sit on our hands! They can be kept for pets as well. I am re-vamping an old rabbit hutch for them. When they are old enough, I will move them outside.

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